Getting Into Rhythm with Sravan from @sravantelu

Ana Klikovac
6 min readFeb 5, 2022


Photo: Sravan Telu

If you haven’t heard of the insanely talented Sravan, now is your chance! The way in which he submits to the sound of music and lets go is awe-inspiring. Apart from being the show-stopping dance sensation, Sravan is also a prominent activist whose voice spans continents. Take a moment to learn more about the incomparable Sravan Telu!

What about dancing caught your interest? Is that something you have always loved?

I have always had an interest in dancing since childhood. I became a theatre artist and acted in many stage plays. I also joined my college dance troupe as I wanted to experiment with dancing. And I realized that we can express ourselves a lot better while dancing. That’s how my journey as a folk dancer started. I also developed an interest in Oriental dance when I saw a dancer in a TV reality show that stole my heart and I started researching more about the art form.

How did your family react to your decision to become a belly dancer?

My mom was a stage artist when she was young; she used to perform in her school events. She is my real inspiration and she motivated me to live out my dreams. She never said a single word against my dreams. Actually, she loves my stage performances and whenever I’ve performed she used to come as early as possible and she used to give me tips and suggestions and she personally enjoys my performances.

Photo: Sravan Telu

How does dancing play a part in your role as an activist?

Dancing helps me express myself better. I’ve been dancing for about 4 years now, and it’s been a huge part of my journey becoming comfortable with who I am, learning to feel more open and confident, and getting in touch with my emotions. And when I started dancing, it was just like any other art or hobby — just something I wanted to do to express my creativity. But then over time, as I got more into it, I noticed that it was something else too: a way for me to express myself in a way that felt really good.

But even as an artist, you don’t always feel accepted by the world around you… especially when you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community. There are so many expectations placed on what it means to be masculine or feminine and they don’t always match up with how you feel inside. By using dance or movement, I can perform at various LGBTQ+ community events and try to motivate people who feel like they can’t break gender stereotypes. I hope to help them find the courage to become who they truly are.

How has dancing transformed your life?

I’ve been belly dancing for almost 4 years now, and it has changed my life. Belly dance has helped me look at myself in new ways. I have gained so much confidence through belly dance! I’ve always been a shy person. I look down when I’m talking to someone, and it’s hard for me to make eye contact. When I started belly dance classes, though, something changed in me. I felt bolder and more willing to express myself. The way I feel about my body has changed immensely and I’m so much more confident. I used to be uncomfortable with how I looked and what I wore, but now it doesn’t bother me at all!

Photo: Sravan Telu

I have built up my confidence so much that I am able to do things that I never thought possible before, like showing my bare belly in public (which is still hard for me sometimes!) or wearing whatever kind of outfit I want without worrying about what other people will think.

What is something that you wish people knew about the art of dance?

There is a myth that Usually Only Women can Belly dance. Belly dance is a feminine art form while it accepts everyone including male belly dancers. In traditional cultures and in countries like Egypt, men were dancing to their folkloric styles which included arm and hip movements. Men can equally belly dance and there are some of the best male belly dancers around the world who perform both folkloric and oriental styles. Gender stereotypes have existed in our society and one way of coming out of it is by doing what you love without having to worry about what others think. I wish People should understand or know the facts behind this art form before passing any comments.

Has your calling helped people gain a better understanding of various different gender expressions?

I think so. After I performed on the stage, I see a lot of people coming and greeting me in a positive way. And also I have observed that people showed interest in learning this new art form. They come and ask me questions about belly dance and they join in our classes too. I’m also a huge fan of gender expression in all forms, and it’s great that people are starting to get more comfortable with breaking the binary. I’ve noticed more and more people expressing themselves through gender-neutral clothing — and it makes me incredibly happy. With every person who wears what they want, no matter what the fashion “rules” say about it, we’re breaking down barriers for gender expression.

Is the dancing industry beginning to change its views on gender roles? Do you find that it is becoming more accepting of differences?

The dancing industry is having a hard time dealing with this transition. Some people are very against it, some are open to the change.

Dancing has historically been an industry that promotes traditional gender roles and values. In recent years, however, there have been signs of a growing acceptance of differences. There is a growing demand for instructors who are taught to blend the lines between genders. Instead of being told what “a man” or “a woman” should be like, these dance teachers are learning how to bring out the best in any individual. I see lot of non-binary people started expressing themselves through dance and other art forms. It’s a good sign that the change is slowly evolving.

What dance moves are your favorite and why? Could you describe them?

I Love each and every word of my dance vocabulary. It will be hard to say which one will be my favorite.

My personal favorite would be body isolations. I just love moving the inner muscles in a rhythmic way. Even though I struggle a lot with my upper body Isolation I love all the upper bodywork. Chest shimmies, shoulder pops, Playing with head etc., Such movements give me joy and help me connect more with the audience when I am performing. When I perform I always make sure to use as much drama possible so that each and every person gets connected with me directly. I just enjoy the process.

“I Dance because it’s my voice; my escape zone, and my passion. It’s also because I constantly learn and take stock of who I am.”

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Ana Klikovac

Curious soul, exploring the world through written creation | Instagram: @kannchywrites & @kannchy96 | Email: